
"Grüner Nobelpreis" für die Mutter der Stromrebellen

Die Schönauer Stromrebellin Ursula Sladek bekommt in San Francisco den mit 150. 000 Dollar dotierten Goldman Environmental Prize überreicht. Er gilt als einer der international bedeutendsten Umweltpreise und wird manchmal schlicht der "Grüne Nobelpreis" genannt.


TEPCO Press Release (Apr 17,2011) Roadmap towards Restoration from the Accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

TEPCO Press Release (Apr 17,2011)
Roadmap towards Restoration from the Accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station


Statement of the Executive Committee of Science Council of Japan Disaster in Northeast Japan and Nuclear Emergency18 March 2011

Statement of the Executive Committee of Science Council of Japan Disaster in Northeast Japan and Nuclear Emergency18 March 2011 

On 18 March 2011, Statement of the Executive Committee of Science Council of Japan on Disaster in Northeast Japan and Nuclear Emergency was released.The International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability.
Full text: http://www.scj.go.jp./ja/info/kohyo/pdf/kohyo-21-kanji-2e.pdf

Science Council of Japan (En): http://www.scj.go.jp/en/index.html
日本学術会議: http://www.scj.go.jp/index.html




法政大学/大学院 2011年度「サステイナビリティ研究入門A」第一回講義



3.講義教室:法政大学ボアソナード・タワー26階 会議室A(三輪田学園側から入場のこと)






IAEA says Japan nuclear crisis "totally different" from Chernobyl accident

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on Tuesday that although Japan has raised the severity level of the accident at the Fukushima No.1 plant, the crisis is quite different from the 1986 Chernobyl accident, Xinhua informed.

FOCUS Information Agency © 1999 - 2011


Japan raises Fukushima to Level 7

(Reuters) - Japan raised the severity of its nuclear disaster to the highest level on Tuesday, putting it on a par with the world's worst disaster nuclear accident at Chernobyl after another major aftershock rattled the quake-ravaged east.


German ambassador, Dr. Volker Stanzel BLOG

German ambassador, DrVolker Stanzel BLOG 「大使日記」

Der große Run auf grüne Energie

Der große Run auf grüne Energie (Focus ONLINE)

Kernkraftwerke in Deutschland

Kernkraftwerke in Deutschland

Nippon Science Support Network

Nippon Science Support Network
The Nippon Science Support Network is a global initiative to coordinate international relief efforts in response to the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan. A database has been established for individual research laboratories, universities, hospitals, science foundations and funding agencies to upload dedicated positions and stipend schemes that have been put in place for Japanese students, research fellows and scientific personnel.

Die Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz e.V., kurz "Leibniz-Gemeinschaft", vereint heute unter ihrem Dach 86 Einrichtungen, die Forschung betreiben oder wissenschaftliche Infrastruktur bereitstellen. Rund 7.100 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler arbeiten in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, den Wirtschafts-, Raumwissenschaften und Lebenswissenschaften ebenso wie in der Mathematik, den Natur- und Ingenieurswissenschaften sowie der Umweltforschung. Insgesamt beschäftigen die Leibniz-Institute ca. 16.100 Menschen.
Die Leibniz-Gemeinschaft zeichnet sich durch die große Vielfalt der in den Instituten bearbeiteten Themen ebenso wie durch ihre dezentrale Organisationsform aus: Ihre Einrichtungen sind in den meisten Fällen wissenschaftlich und organisatorisch unabhängig. Sie betreiben strategische, themenorientierte Forschung. Ihr Anspruch orientiert sich immer an wissenschaftlicher Exzellenz sowie gesellschaftlicher Relevanz.
Die Leibniz-Forschungsinstitute stellen wissenschaftliche Dienstleistungen und eine entsprechende Infrastruktur zur Verfügung und kooperieren mit Hochschulen, Einrichtungen anderer Wissenschaftsorganisationen sowie Wirtschaftsunternehmen. 

Japan Earthquake Map

Japan Quake Map

Japan Earthquake Map Beta


The Movie "Into Eternity"

Today, I saw the movie "Into Eternity" by Michael Madsen, 2009, that was a documentary film about nuclear waste underground repository storage solution.

I had already known nuclear waste underground repository storage and it needs long-term keeping system. But this time, seeing the movie, I rethinked some points. It is very difficult to solve nuclear waste problem perfectly now. So next way of solution is using future "time". This nuclear waste repository storage "Onkalo" is built so that it keeps 100,000 years. 

100 000 ans

What interests me is not noly nuclear problems, but also more philosophical problems. There are two problems. First, the problem of our finitude. We must have a responsibility for our many actions, but this kind of storage system betrays our responsibility for unresponsibility. Unresponsibility means not inability to respond, but impossibility to respond. We have to be, but are not able to respond all of our descendants. In the first place, essence of our existence as human beings is unresponsible. It is ultimate time consciousness over death and limit of our half-and-half technology that testify this factical and finite essence of our existence. It is called "intergenerational ethics", but the problem itself is much deeper. We are finite beings that have to be responsible for our unresponsibility. 

Second problem is hermeneutical, how to inform of danger people 100,000 years or more into the future. A way of information or communication itself may have changed beyond recognition. Actually, languages, knowledge and symbols are all changing even now.There is almost few way that would be durable enough for the warning message to survive. What is universal and unchangable communication?  

Universal and unchangable communication is almost impossible. It is more suitable for our human beings to take hermeneutical thinking. Hermeneutics is the study of interpretation theory, and can be either the art of interpretation, or the theory and practice of interpretation. It is well known for Bible-hermeneutics. Philosophically speaking, hermeneutics is a way of our existence as human beings, according to M. Heidegger and H.-G. Gadamer. Hermeneutics is the way for finite human beings, regardless of telling us evangel or disaster. But hermeneutics is a kind of art or techne of thinking, too. We are beings that have both possibilities and impossibilites to live, right from the start. And we are beings that have to need teche or technology in order to live, too.